The Vandal of VanDAO

An Exploration in Self Governance

Rare Vandal
3 min readDec 7, 2021


My fascination with DAOs began late 2019 when I joined FestDAO, an event oriented DAO in the DAOStack ecosystem. I went on to produce events in Kuala Lumpur & Bangkok called DAO of WU, which sparked the idea of how DAOs could be useful for creatives communities. As part of my learning experience it was extremely beneficial for me to vocalize my thoughts and focus on how to convey something highly technical to a bunch of artists.

Why VanDAO?

The reason I decided to create a DAO specific to me and my “brand” is mainly to facilitate various experiments and to forge a new, more decentralized, path for my journey forward into this Web3 ecosystem. In fact, this idea of how I can DAOify myself came from my interest in creating my own social token and transitioning into an NFT (still figuring out the latter).

I chose to use AstroDAO on the NEAR Protocol mainly because I’ve been active on the network and I really enjoy using the many dApps and feel it suits my current direction. Not to mention that it is also much cheaper to transact on the network and I’m able to hold the NFTs I have on Paras (hopefully soon on Mintabse as well) in the DAO treasury, something I’m very keen on doing more of!

Described by the DAO itself:

The VanDAO is designed to facilitate experimentation and act as the decentralized vehicle for all things Vandal


If you know me, you already know my infatuation with NFTs. Since I minted my first Cryptokitty, I’ve been tinkering with the technology, as it pertains to music, ever since. It’s the epitome of my project DAOrecords and why I’m involved NxM.

I’ll be using this DAO to collect and fund the creation of various NFTs by the community. My first exploration with this will be through my first bounty campaign that will take place via Paras. I’m still working through the theme, but I’m leaning to the direction of doing something long the lines of a cyber-manga VanCHAN or VanGAN to kick things off. What do you think?

NFTs will end up being the backbone of VanDAO, not only as the underlying assets of the DAO but also through series releases and other creative endeavors I’m hoping to embark on so stay tuned for some of the cool ideas I have planned out!

An Exploration in Self Governance

You might think that as a sovereign individual I would be able to control how I govern myself, my actions and sometimes my thoughts. But this exploration revolves around the evolution of self-centric DAO, not my mental state! Self-organized? Sure! That’s why it’s an exploration, as I’m not sure what to expect and how it’s going to shape out.

To begin with, the financial and creative aspects of my life will begin to migrate to and populate the DAO. I’ve already started with NFTs from Paras and soon via Mintbase, but before that the first step will be to commission some new branding material through a bounty for the creation of a fresh Rare Vandal logo.

Welcome to the VanDAO



Rare Vandal

A Web3 Misfit, Founder of DAOrecords & The Rare Vandal of VanDAO